Wednesday, 16 April 2014

Seeds and Sunshine

We have been enjoying some lovely warm sunshine for the last four days and have spent much of that in the garden; either pottering about or sitting getting a tan.  Yesterday I spent the morning doing my volunteer work.  I fetched the lady I support from her home and as it was such a lovely day, we took full advantage of it and went for a walk by the sea.

The harbour was full of the first flush of holiday makers, local people walking and sailors getting their boats back in the water after a winter on dry land.  The tide was high and a gentle breeze drifted across the water making it necessary to wear the cardigan I had been carrying.  We had a lovely walk and my charge was delighted to meet some friends of hers while she was walking next to me, unaided.  They were thrilled to see her looking so well and sprightly, which of course made her day - and mine!

 Back at home Pea and I made a teepee for the Clematis we found struggling for life among a clump of weeds.  I would have liked to buy a ready made one, but the one I really liked was quite expensive at £25.00.  It would have looked really nice as it had birds and leaves twining over it but I couldn't justify the money, especially as I will need several more.  So instead  we bought a few canes for £1.50 and made our own with string!  I'm quite pleased with it and to be honest, it will hardly be seen once the Clematis has grown through it.

Birds bring our gardens to life in a unique way; their movement, song and colour.  We are lucky enough to have lots to admire here and in addition to wild birds, we are often honoured with a visit from Darren, our neighbour's cockerel.  I love to hear him crowing throughout the day and to see him strutting down the track to our house.

Isn't he handsome!  He can be a bit feisty at times so we don't get too friendly, but I am giving him the benefit of the doubt as he has recently suffered a bereavement.  His wife died and he spent two days wandering far and wide searching for his lost love.  My neighbours thought the fox had got him and were surprised to hear him crowing from his house early one morning.  To cheer him up they are getting him some new girls so hopefully he will feel a lot better soon.

The seeds in the poly tunnel are coming up well in this sunshine and I have been leafing through my Chilterns Seeds and Sarah Raven catalogues, dreaming up new planting combinations.  I am sowing hardy annuals at the moment and to help me choose from the myriad of gorgeous flowers available I have decided on three important factors:  attraction to insects, good for cutting and sporting a knock out scent.  I seem to have a colour theme of white, pink and blue going on with the odd dazzling orange from the Calendulas.  Lots of the flowers we are growing are also edible, so they have the added benefit of making our salads look pretty too.

I have sowed tomatoes and cucumbers this week, but as it will be a while before they bear any fruit for us to eat I have bought two tomato plug plants.  I have potted them on twice since and they are growing well with the promise of huge beefsteak fruits to come.

After all this exhausting weeding and seed ordering it is wonderful to sit in the evening with a cup of tea and feel my muscles tighten.  We are half way through the first week of the Easter holidays and we are all relaxing nicely, fully enjoying the lovely Spring weather, the garden and a few trips out.  I am even getting back to my reading after a while away from it.  Nothing too heavy or serious; something easy going and suitable for the time of year.  I am re-reading Thyme Out by Katie Fforde.  Love it!

Have a lovely day and thank you for reading. xxx

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