Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Fog, Mud and Lace

Where oh where has the sun gone?  Will it ever shine on our island again?  We are sitting under a thick cloud of dirty grey that refuses to dissipate and let the sun through.  Most depressing.  However, we could be in for a so called Big Freeze by the weekend...

I am of course, extremely well prepared for this major event in our 2013 calendar so far.  There is a shovel in the shed somewhere, so we can dig ourselves out of a snowdrift and I am sure I saved some old hats, scarves and gloves to dress a snowman with, but most importantly, I have stocked up on hot chocolate, marshmallows and squirty cream.  Sorted.
Before the children went back to school and while I was still a little feeble from a migraine, mum came to see us one morning and bought a bag full of gorgeousness with her.  She had been having a major sort-out of all her fabrics.  Mum is excellent at this kind of thing.  I am rubbish.  I hold onto all sorts of tat that I really should have binned years ago.  Anyway, she had come across a pile of fabrics that my gran had edged with knitted lace.  The fabrics are white cotton; heavy, crisp and really old. 

She decided that they had stayed in her cupboard for too long and it was time they had a different owner - me!  I was literally hopping up and down with excitement.

I'm sure you can see why.  My Gran knitted all this beautiful lace by hand on very tiny needles with very fine cotton.

My Gran's mum crocheted this edging, again her hook must have been microscopic and no handy electric light to shine on it while she worked.  Amazing.  I'm so happy to own a little piece of my family history.  I come from a long line of strong, creative women and I hope I am able to carry that on, even just a little bit.

I have also rekindled a love for crocheted lace doilies.  Yes, OK I admit I have been influenced ever so slightly by Granny Chic, but who cares, I'm happy!  I have had my pink doily for a while now.  Mum gave it to me and I think my nan made it, many years ago, along with the embroidered cloth above.  She was an amazing needle woman and did just about everything you could do with a needle and thread or yarn.

Over the Christmas holls, the children and I went to a (very) small town about 7 miles away, just for something to do.  There are hardly any shops there but they do have two charity shops.  We decided to have a look for some blankets for the dogs' beds, as theirs were getting a bit whiffy.  We found a huge blanket in one shop that cost me a whole pound.  In the second shop we weren't so lucky so we settled for 3 baby blankets instead.  I also found a small crocheted doily, that cost me 20p.

Tiny little things can make a person very happy.  I have given a handcrafted item a new, loving home, given some money to help others and saved the planet.  Where else can you get all that for 20p?
That started Thrifty 2013 off quite nicely and I will be on the look-out for more things I can re-use, re-home and re-love over the next 51 weeks.
Have a cosy, thrifty day and thank you for reading. xxx

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